The 3G networks are closing soon in New Zealand. Vodafone NZ plans to switch off in 2024, and Spark is likely to be similar. (October 2024 – Update One NZ has now delayed the closure until 31 December 2025)
We appreciate this is not “new news” as some 3G networks have already been switched off overseas.
However, this does not just impact old cell phones. We encourage you all to complete the following:
- Review what 3G devices you still use
- Establish a device replacement or upgrade plan
- Check with your telco for updates to their plan for your region
Please remember to check all of these on your farm:
Flow Meters – If they use cellular telemetry, has it been updated to use 4G?
Centre Pivot Controllers – Has the pivot control panel module been upgraded to 4G?
Soil Moisture Probes – If they use cellular telemetry, has it been updated to use 4G?
Auto Diallers – Do you still use any older controllers to send alarms for pump faults etc?
The QTech SMS Lite is an ideal 4G controller for sending alarms and alerts.
Tractors and Machinery – If they use cellular telemetry, has it already been updated to use 4G?
Building Alarm Monitoring – If it is remotely monitored, has the cellular device already been updated to use 4G?
The Water-Insight IMS can have an optional cellular internet connection. This modem is already 4G capable, so no change is needed.
The 3G Cellular networks are closing – working with your service providers and making sure your farm is prepared, will be time well spent.